My angular and wandering travels....

My photo
Duncanville, TX, United States
I'm an international person, having spent 6+years of my youth in various Central and South American countries. Within my occupation as a television engineer, I've since traveled back to Mexico several times to film various religious sites, to Ireland to film a video documentary on the life of St. Patrick, to Portugal and England. Each time I took hundreds of pictures, wrote songs and poems about the things I saw and heard and felt go on around me, and tried to absorb a sense for what people in each locale thought. How they love, how they see, how they think.... My other sites:

Friday, January 18, 2008


Dedicated to my friend and gifted writer,
Corina Daniela Obertas,
who has inspired me anew,
given fresh life to tired hands.
Fresh words to worn soul......

They had just gotten a tiny sailboat, a little Sunfish,
Plastic frame, wooden tiller,
Nylon sail, and vastly sensuous.
I've devoured sailor stories,
read books about navies
Going about solely driven by the wind fascinated me.
Scudding across the deep blue waters,
Ducking my head when turning on a tack,
Hull heeling as the wind caught the sheets again,
Blue breeze ruffling my young boy hair,
Bretending to be the captain of a clipper.
I've grown physically since then,
But I watch the boats and ships from afar,
And wonder at the lands from which they hail....
No doubt each is from the dock nearby,
But.....that doesn't matter to my young boy mind...
Imagination drives my sight.
You continue to inspire me, my heart pines.
Perhaps, you are the young woman figurehead on my ship,
Beautiful, smiling, ever close, my dearest friend.

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