My angular and wandering travels....

My photo
Duncanville, TX, United States
I'm an international person, having spent 6+years of my youth in various Central and South American countries. Within my occupation as a television engineer, I've since traveled back to Mexico several times to film various religious sites, to Ireland to film a video documentary on the life of St. Patrick, to Portugal and England. Each time I took hundreds of pictures, wrote songs and poems about the things I saw and heard and felt go on around me, and tried to absorb a sense for what people in each locale thought. How they love, how they see, how they think.... My other sites:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pieces of You

I found a piece of you
on a soft Sunday afternoon
The sky dripped you on me
while the Brazos crooned
Like the fragrance
of a morning mist in early June
Then, with the morning mist
you drifted far from our room
I found a piece of you
on a lonely road
While struggling home from Beluxi
with a heavy load
I could see your outline
as the rain pounded the wheatfields
I burned to feel you closer than
that vision in the windshield
I find pieces of you
in nearly every day
Your loving covers me
with the sun’s warm rays
Rainy days your tender arms
take me on quiet flights
When it snows,
your body warms me in the wintry night
I close my eyes
and there’s pieces of you in this simple line

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