My angular and wandering travels....

My photo
Duncanville, TX, United States
I'm an international person, having spent 6+years of my youth in various Central and South American countries. Within my occupation as a television engineer, I've since traveled back to Mexico several times to film various religious sites, to Ireland to film a video documentary on the life of St. Patrick, to Portugal and England. Each time I took hundreds of pictures, wrote songs and poems about the things I saw and heard and felt go on around me, and tried to absorb a sense for what people in each locale thought. How they love, how they see, how they think.... My other sites:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sugar Cane

It's taken me years and years to remember
I may forget in a second or so
That often happens at my time and age
The chaos of a lifetime ago

I have hung my hands over a cold steel railing
to watch the leaves floating down the river
You memory drifted through my windblown mind
with the cold lonely twinge of a shiver

I can see your sweet eyes on the murky, cold water
Like you are still calling out to me
But I know there is no going back there
We agreed long ago to let it be

Like syrup raw from Louisiana sugar cane
I smooth out as I get refined and grow older
Like Whiskey from the bottom of the aging keg
Women like me better if I go slower

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